Our SERVICES include:
Our SERVICES include:
Landscape Installation
Landscape Installation
We can help beautify your outdoor space with landscape designs, e.g., islands, flowers, mulch, pine straw, sod, shrubs and plants.
Garden & Flower Bed Installation
Garden & Flower Bed Installation
We can help you plant edible gardens, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices as well as flower gardens.
Routine Lawn Maintenance
Routine Lawn Maintenance
We can beautify and maintain your lawn with basic services: mowing, edging, blowing, pruning, trimming, weed eating, etc.
Hydraulic Trailer Rental - New Offering!
We can provide a hydraulic trailer for you to load with old debris, e.g., branches, shrubs, plants, leaves, sod, and we'll haul it away.
Leaf Control & Seasonal Cleanup
Mini Golf Course Installation - Coming Soon
We can blow, mulch or bag your leaves to keep your property looking neat during cooler seasons and prep it to bloom in spring/summer.
We can create a space for golf enthusiasts, including one or more putting greens, t-boxes or a private course with up to 9 holes.
CONTACT us today to explore how
THOMAS GREENS & GARDENS may serve you!
CONTACT us today to explore how
THOMAS GREENS & GARDENS may serve you!
404.468.7499 or 404.438.4700